Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chula vs. Thammasat

We went to the 75th Traditional Futbol Game between Chula and Thammasat. Thammasat is a rival school of Chula but both located in Bangkok. The game was a lot of fun, but sadly Chula lost 2 to nothing. Everyone bought pink Chula jerseys and painted their faces. The game was comparable to a badger game back in Wisconsin, minus the tailgating parties! The fans were really into the game and very clever with signs, also they had many "cheerleading" teams that would walk around the track and perform for the audience. Sometimes it seemed more entertaining to watch them than the game!


  1. Now you know how strong soccer is in other countries!

  2. No tailgating?? It is up to you to start the tradition, Wisconsin-style!
